
ဘယ္လိုျဖဴေအာင္လုပ္မယ္ အင္မတန္ကို မ်ားျပားလွတဲ့ ေငြမည္းေတြ ဒီ ၂ လ
အတြင္း ေငြျဖဴျဖစ္ေအာင္ လုပ္ၾကေတာ့မယ္ဗ် ၊ ေငြမည္းပိုင္ရွင္ ခရိုနီေတြ နဲ႔
အဘအဘ ဆိုသူေတြ ဘယ္ေခါင္းစဥ္နဲ႔ ဘယ္ေစ်းကြက္ကို ၀င္ေမႊ မလဲ
ေသခ်ာၾကည့္ၾကရေအာင္ ဗ် ၊ သူတို႔ မ်က္စိလွည့္မယ့္ နည္းလမ္းေတြ ႀကိဳသိထားရင္
ေကာင္းမွာပဲဗ် ၊ ေဟာ ဒီ က လင့္ေလးေတြမွာ ...ေငြမည္းေတြ
ေငြျဖဴျဖစ္ေအာင္ လုပ္တဲ့နည္းေတြ ျပထားတယ္ဗ် ၊ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမ်ား ဗမာလို
ျပန္ေပးၾကပါဗ် ၊ ျမန္ျမန္ေလးလုပ္ၾကပါဗ် ၊ ဒီကေန႔ ကားပါမစ္အေၾကာင္း
အားလံုးသိသြားၿပီလို႔ ထင္ပါသဗ် ၊ ေလးဘီကားကို အစိတ္ ငါးဆယ္ နဲ႔ ၀ယ္တဲ့
ခရိုနီေတြ ႀကီး ပြား သြားၾကဘီဗ် ၊ ခုေလာက္ဆို သူ႔ အဘအဘ ဆိုတာေတြနဲ႔
အျမတ္ေတြ ခြဲၿပီးၾကဘီဗ် ၊ ပါမစ္ေတြ လက္ထဲကိုင္ၿပီး
ငုတ္တုတ္ေမ့သြားသူေတြမွာ သူတို႔ မပါေတာ့ဘူးဗ် ၊ ပါမစ္ေတြကို
၀ယ္လိုက္ေရာင္းလိုက္ ထပ္ခါထပ္ခါ လုပ္ၿပီး ေဘးက မေနႏိုင္သူေတြ ၀င္ပါလာေအာင္
ဆြဲေဆာင္ ၊ အဲဒီ ေဘးက ၀င္ပါတဲ့သူေတြ ကို တစ္ေက်ာ့ႏွစ္ေက်ာ့ေလာက္
ေပးစားလိုက္ တယ္ဗ် ၊ အဲဒီ ေဘးက လူေတြကတဆင့္ ဒီဂြင္က စားရတယ္လို႔
သတင္းလဲျပန္႔သြားေရာ ဒီပြဲထဲကို အိမ္တိုင္ခၽႊတ္ေရာင္းၿပီး ၀င္လာတဲ့သူေတြ
အမ်ားႀကီး ျဖစ္လာတာေတာ့တာပဲဗ် ၊ ဒီအခ်ိန္ က်ွမွ ခရိုနီေတြက သာသာေလး
လစ္ထြက္သြား တာဗ် ၊ သူတို႔လက္ထဲမွာ ဘာမွ မရွိေတာ့ဘူးဆိုေရာ အမိန္႔
ေၾကျငာခ်က္ ဥပေဒ က ေနာက္တစ္မ်ဳိးေျပာင္းသြားေရာပဲဗ ် ၊ ဒီလိုနဲ႔ပဲ ဒီပြဲေတြမွာ ျမတ္မလားဆိုၿပီး
၀င္လာတဲ့ မႏူးမနပ္ေတြ ပဲ ပိုက္ေဘာေတြ နဲ႔ က်န္ခဲ့ၾကတာပါပဲဗ် ၊
ပိုက္ေဘာမိသြားတဲ့သူေတြကိုေတာ့ စိတ္မေကာင္းပါဘူး ၊ မမွန္တဲ့အလြယ္နည္းနဲ႔
ေငြအေခ်ာင္ရခ်င္စိတ္ေတြ ေဖ်ာက္ၾကပါလို႔ ပဲ ေျပာခ်င္တာပဲဗ် ၊ ကဲ ေအာက္ က
လင့္ေတြ ၾကည့္ၿပီး ဆက္လုပ္ေပးၾကပါအံုးဗ် ၊ http:// penzmosasaticikkek.blogter.hu/ 259535/ methods_and_techniques_of_money _laundering http://people.exeter.ac.uk/ watupman/undergrad/ron/ methods%20and%20stages.htm METHODS AND
TECHNIQUES OF MONEY LAUNDERING "There are so many money laundering
systems existing that it's difficult to note all of them, but all of
them have common features and practically they mean only the endless
variations of the same theme." (Gerald Moebius) Introduction The
most difficult in money laundering is that, apart from some schemes, it
is extraordinarily complex and difficult to be verified. It's such a
self-preserving and at the same time self generating process in which
there is no beginning and end as it is in constant circulation. The
crime of money laundering can be realized in many ways. The offenders
make always use of newer and newer offence methods, but there are also
typical methods respectively techniques which are of long standing, are
difficult to be traced, therefore the criminals still prefer to apply
them in the practice. The model serving as for basis of money
laundering of our time was elaborated in the United States of America,
during the prohibition (1920 - 1933). The dealers obtained huge amounts
with the alcoholic drinks sold in the black market, but this money had
to be legalized in some form. During the process becoming known as
money laundering the dirty money was penetrated through some legal
enterprise with large cash income (e.g. taxi company, bank), assuring
this way the legal origin of the money. Nevertheless, the money
laundering became already a much more complicated and refined activity
in our days, realized already with the help of covering enterprises, tax
havens, orders placed for non existing products and services and
corrupt officials. Money laundering is mostly possible in the countries
receiving large capital inflow, as in such countries the foreign
investments are generally supported without inquiring size and origin of
inflowing capital, further more the countries where opening of
anonymous deposits and purchasing respectively handover and transmission
of demand instruments are possible. The laundries are continuously
developing their methods, while they are looking for new, not yet
captured business opportunities. They are skilled and rapid, moreover
they also establish alliances among them, creating uniform services
with them. The more and more strict regulations introduced at the banks
resulted that the criminals are rather looking for enterprise types
which are not yet subject to anti-money-laundering regulations or are
not that much developed as in banking environment. The criminals
select always the economy and country where the regulation is the
smallest but at the same time the conditions exist, i.e. the willingness
and availability of the money market are also present. Their aim is the
dirty money to pass through as much as possible administrative
systems, exploiting by this way the different regulation conditions,
thus delaying, hindering the tracing of money movement. The money
considered to be white is transferred to financial institutions and
investments of several countries, thus reducing their financial losses
in case of their eventual denunciation. General techniques, methods of
money laundering In countries where the banking system is
underdeveloped yet, the simplest solution is when the criminals take
over the control of the given financial institution and realize through
it their dirty transactions. One of the oldest usual method of money
laundering, of presentation as legal of illegal money is the purchase of
art treasures and jewellery easy to transfer and of stable value. The
laundry presents the art treasures and jewellery in question - or
rather the money obtained for them - as if they were the estate not
found earlier of a deceased relative of him. To avoid denunciation, it's
expedient to sell by public auction the purchased valuable movables and
to keep the received coverage certificate. In case of professional
laundries it may also happen that they buy themselves the art treasures
and jewellery at the auction, and later they sell them again. By so
doing the valuables remain and the certificates are also obtained.
Although the costs of auction are lost, but a further advantage is that
it's even more difficult clear up the origin of money and the valuables
can be sold at a higher price. The technique of illegal money import is
excellent for the initial making disappear of the traces, when the
smuggler himself, eventually by making use of a messenger or by
international transport brings physically the dirty money to a foreign
country where the regulation of money market is less developed and/or
the legislation prefers the banking secret. Thereafter, as a result of
different financial transactions, the money is mixed with the money of
legal origin. Disadvantage of this method is that cash is heavy,
therefore is difficult to hide, and has the risk to be stolen or the
smuggler gets caught at the customs examination. One of the simplest
methods is the technique of smurfing or nominal partnership. A team of
couriers (smurf, nominal partner) places small amount deposits every day
in always other financial institutions. All deposits are below the
amount which would call the attention of the banks (value below report
limit). When the money is drawn later on, the origin can be certified
with the documents belonging to it. To further avoiding of reporting
financial transactions, respectively to obliterate the traces indicating
them, the split or divided into parts money laundering method is
applied. A high amount transaction is divided into many smaller amount
transactions. Many money laundering activities are connected to the
gambling too. The laundries legalize their income through casinos in
most of the cases. They buy tokens for cash in high amount with the aim
to play, but they use only a small part of the tokens or they don't
use them not at all. Then they redeem them and ask for certificate about
the "prize". In case an authority is asking for the origin of the
amount, the answer is that it's originating from gambling. A more
perfect method is when the laundries have their own casino. In this case
the only to do is to record the dirty money as income of the casino A
primitive but functioning method is to agree with the casino owner in a
less developed country about the certificate of a higher amount prize.
In addition to the casinos, the gambling prize can origin from lottery,
horse-race or even greyhound racing, as well as from activities outside
of betting agencies. In this circle the most traditional method is the
buying of the wining ticket. In such a case the lucky winner gets even
more money than the prize, from the laundry who obtains this way a
fully "legal" income. The main point of the fraud related to horse,
respectively greyhound racings is that the race is hustled then the
bet is made with "dirty" money for all possible outcomes of the result.
The suspicion of money laundering can be also linked with the amusement
arcades and gambling machines. These are mostly not fitted with
calibrated counters, therefore the declaration of income originating
from operation of the machines is made by estimation. One of the most
ingenious solutions is probably the technique of overpayment on tax
account. As a result of "incidental procedure error", the private person
or the company effects an overpayment of considerable amount to the
competent tax office. Then after observation of the error - following
filling in of a self-control form - the overpayment is retransferred by
the tax office to the bank account of the "erring" tax payer, and the
origin of money is already certified. The point of self-financing
loan (Dutch sandwich) is that the "client" places the dirty money in a
foreign country or in a financial haven. After that he transfers the
money to a bank in an other country, and then applies for a loan at his
own bank, the guaranty, collateral being the deposited money. The bank
grants the loan, which will be invested into properties, companies
respectively into different financial instruments. In case of any
suspicion arisen (e.g. sudden richness) the person concerned can refer
without fear to the bank loan. This technique can exploit the different
countries' regulations concerning banking secret. The point of the
technique related to real estate is when the laundry takes mortgage for
the real estate from and off-shore company being in his ownership, or
rents real estate from an off-shore company, of which he is anonymous
owner. One of the members of the organisation buys for cash high value
article (e.g. car or period piece) and sells within short time, but in
the way that the buyer pays already with transfer to one or more legal
bank accounts indicated by the seller. Buying of gift vouchers as
simple all-day buyer, several times, in several places, in average,
usual denomination and amount. Thanks to the increasingly spreading
franchise systems, these vouchers can be spent at more and more points
of the world, or can be simply legally owned, kept. Assuring real
estate credit for an investor, who for some reason could get credit only
with difficulties (e.g. the investment is too risky or bizarre, or
simply because the investor has no durable contacts established yet with
the financial institutions). Let's presume that the loan amount would
be HUF 70 million. At this point these "companies" organise a HUF 100
million credit, to be paid back in say 5 year time. The borrower is
obliged to buy investment trust unit for HUF 30 million. This is
immediately conveyed to the real estate company (to the loaner). About
the 70 million a bank is providing security for a letter of credit in
amount equal to full interest paid for 70 million, using the investment
(real estate) as for pledge. Of course, to avoid risk, this is also
conveyed to the real estate company. Result: the investor obtains the
necessary amount (70 million), the real estate company gets investment
trust unit in the value of HUF 30 million, guaranteed interest payment
for the loan, and credit balance certificate if the borrower could not
perform his payment obligation. In 5 years time white clean money will
be available at zero risk. Establishing fictitious business
organisation - which can't be found at its residence, the manager and
members are presumably homeless or persons engaged for money - transfers
arrive to its account, and these amounts are collected in cash buy a
person who is not member, not officer of the company, or the money is
transferred through a subcontractor network among each other with
fictitious contracts, as long as the money becomes clean. Fictitious
transactions. Here not the object of purchase is fictitious, but its
price is not covering the real market value. Let's suppose we have HUF
100 million. Let's buy for example a real estate for HUF 25 million and
let's look for a "buyer" for it who will buy it from us for 75 million
with the passing of a certain time. This is of course not a genuine
buyer, only such a "blameless" person who could really have that much
money without any problem. At the sale and purchase not his 75 million
will be received but the our one which we gave him in cash. The payment
is effected already with bank transfer, so the amount arrives in a
"legal" clean form to our account. It's true that the earlier invested
25 million, the duty and tax to be paid and the fee of "assistance"
paid to our "buyer" are to be booked as "loss", but even so, more than
the half of our money became white (in addition the state got its part
too from this with the paid in duty and tax). This method can work
also in the way that a higher amount of down payment is "paid" for the
real estate to be purchased, but the sale and purchase fails for some
reason, so the amount of down payment is lost, or we get back its
double (it makes no difference as the person of seller and buyer is the
same). Creating a cover company, dealing with trade of antiques, among
others. It's buying up continuously antiques for cash, which are of
average value, popular and relatively many of them passes through many
hands. When the stock is available the company offers these for sale,
divided among different auction houses country- and worldwide. If one of
the lots comes under the hammer the person in question lets to sell it
to the person offering the most, or sends in secret one of his people
to the auction to buy it back. Independent from the buyer, beside the
certificate the purchase price reduced by commission from all lots gets
legally to the bank account (in case of own purchase even the article
offered for sale is also remaining which can be sold again). The
commission can be booked as cost of money laundering. One of the most
perfect ways of perpetration is when the dirty money is mixed with legal
money. It's "worth" pumping money into enterprises which are cash
intensive branches, i.e. it's normal to have high physical cash flow
(e.g. restaurants, casinos, currency exchanges). When the type of
enterprise is accepted, i.e. cash forms the higher portion of their
income and so of their banking transactions, the dirty cash can be
incorporated without any problem into the system. It's very difficult
to follow this type of transactions and to prove how many portions of
dishes have really been served per occasion. As long as the dirty money
is gradually fed into the system, the matter remains undoubtedly
unseen. The criminals can apply this technique in case of already
existing enterprises or can establish their own one. Indeed they can
establish a totally fictitious company too, which has absolutely no
activities except invoicing, i.e. is a laundry. We acquire or
establish two companies. One where money was acquired, the other where
the money is to be placed. The company, to where the money is to be
sent, orders certain goods or services. The trick is: either the
invoices containing the products or services are overvalued (the
surplus corresponds to the amount to be cleaned) or false invoices are
sent. The first method is much more difficult to be disclosed. The paid
amount can be deducted by the company which one settled the false or
overvalued invoice. The underworld organisation acquires - possibly
fully or partly in cash - an uncared-for restaurant or any kind of
service unit in line with its "scope". The renovation, paid mostly also
in cash, artificially increases the unit's value. At this point they
could get out from the business and could sell the newly started
business (even with profit too) as the money becomes legal in their bank
account after being transferred. But this can be further increased. The
appliances, materials needed to start the business and the continuous
daily wasting assets are purchased from a company belonging to the
interest of the organisation. At each daily order, the delivered
quantity is 20 - 30 percent less than effectively ordered on the
documents (e.g.: in case of a restaurant only 40 kg meat instead of 50
kg). The organisation pumps dirty money into the enterprise to replace
the shortage. The same happens in case of the other wasting assets
too. The money flown through the different bank accounts of the
covering companies established in several countries, more and more legal
"layers" are placed, making more difficult to identify the real origin
of dirty money. Finally, the off-shore covering ventures invest the
money into real estates and wait until they will be suitable to be sold.
Completed hotels and apartment houses stand empty for years, waiting
for the owners' dirty money to get clean through termination. The
property acquired from crime is inserted in a legally established
company, there it's recorded as revenue. Both the revenue and
expenditure booking data are forged, i.e. the "cleaned" money is covered
with fictitious invoices. Technique of over- or undercharge. Products
or services are purchased at artificially high price (in this case the
"profit" remains at the seller) or at artificially low price (in this
case the "profit" remains at the buyer) from the money passed through
several transactions. Method of acquisition and selling of companies.
From the layered money, the laundries acquire, including assets, a low
value company having very little own property. Then the assets are
revaluated, the company is sold and "legal" profit is realised.
Insertion of phony companies. The laundries acquire control of a company
of which true owners' identity is hidden for the authorities. Trading,
financial transaction, forging of balance sheet loss/ profit, borrowings
and exploitation of tax benefits are performed under the mask of this
covering company. Acquisition of sports club, respectively player. The
buying and selling for several million dollars of professional
sportsmen (mainly football players, ice-hockey players), called also
slaves of modern age, among the different sports clubs offers
excellent opportunities to legalise dirty money. These so called
"showcase" companies are ventures which in classical meaning are not
connected to the criminal groups, but practically are under inspection
and control of the underworld. We can prepare ourselves also
"consciously" for legalisation of our money. The member states of the
European Union gradually change to and introduce the euro, giving up
their old national currency. This can offer a favourable opportunity
to legalize the origin of our money referring to the heritage from a
formerly deceased relative, or simply "found in the loft". By
increasing of layering the origin of money becomes untraceable through
crossing and covering operations, purchases, electronic transfers,
frequent transfers, such as: - Repeated buying and selling of bearer
securities - Repeated buying and selling of registered securities with
involvement of owner - Electronic there and back transfers among the
same accounts - Buying and selling of traveller's cheques, air-tickets,
banker's drafts - Commodity exchange contracts These transactions are
easier to perform when the laundries are infiltrated to the brokerage
institutions, or the employees of those are corrupted, blackmailed.
Merchandise laundering In addition to the techniques of money
laundering it's also worth to mention the merchandise laundering, being a
process similar to money laundering. In this case the merchandise is
cleaned, that is it's sold and purchased out of the banking system,
adding the most possible masking "layers" as long as the merchandise
respectively money becomes fully clean. The use of gold purchase for
criminal purposes is one of the most effective mechanisms to clean
illegal money. Its outstanding role is due to the fact that it can be
used in many different ways, can be changed in several ways, and can
materialize, respectively. promote all separate phases of money
laundering. Whether in form of bar, fragments or jewellery, this
precious metal is easy to buy, can be got through geographical borders
and can be resold, i.e. money can be relatively easily legalised. The
barter trade system of commercial products such as agricultural
commodities, other non-ferrous metals and precious stones offers also
opportunities the revenues to be "legalised" this way, especially when
all this is made in the legal export-import guise between different
countries. The dirty revenues from drugs laundered in the African
barter trade are also to mention here, getting greater and greater role
in the money laundering transactions of the world. Secret banking
systems The more and more strict regulation of banking system leads to
that the laundries are forced to find new possible channels outside of
the banking system. As stronger the regulation the more demand for new
alternatives. It has to be promptly noted that this change is highly
touching the legal operating companies of business life too as from now
on these are the potential targets for money laundering. The targeted
companies are menaced, exploited or their control is overtaken simply
by force. Any kind of products can be interesting for the criminals
which can be purchased for cash in adequate volume and then can be
easily sold. The laundries also make often use of many forms of the
parallel or underground banking systems. These non official, secret
banking systems were developed by criminal groups mainly due to
political chaos and distrust in banks. The organised (family, tribal)
contact is typical for their operation. The purpose during their use is
to avoid the financial regulations in force in the different countries
in order to bring out the dirty and/or clean money from the country,
respectively to settle the goods purchased abroad (capital flight). The
system can only work properly when the countries concerned have
commercial contacts which each other and the operations can be balanced
with the time. The simplest form was invented by the Chinese under the
name fei chien i.e. flying money. The process works as follows: e.g. the
dirty money is deposited in a gold shop in Hong Kong - for which the
owner gets an overstamped dollar note or a small piece of paper or
card marked with an innocent looking secret sign. Later on this is
presented at a moneychanger in the Chinatown of an American city and the
owner gets his cash which can be further covered through new
transactions. The essence of Hawalah network is the laundry to place
money at a hawalah-banker somewhere in the world, which can be drawn few
hours later -after deduction of commission - in an other part of the
world (a very good sample is the case of India and the United Kingdom,
where it's the interest of the significant Indian population living in
Great Britain to bring money grom the subcontinent to Europe). The
system works as the market is two-directional. That is, there are
persons in both countries who have large amounts of cash surplus
(organised criminals, terrorists) and who are ready to pay in a big way
for the possibility to make use of a paper free banking system. New
money laundering possibilities offered by the digital money system and
by the development of Internet By development of the techniques at the
beginning of the 21st century the laundries have nearly everything
available to enter the "space" and by conquering newer and newer
dimensions they continue undisturbed their dirty activities. While the
authorities still concentrate on the problem of "terrestrial" money
laundering - first of all of off-shore financial centres -, the
criminals are one step forward and they move and clean their money in
the cyber space, i.e. online, with no little success. To the greatest
pleasure of the laundries, the "face to face", respectively "know your
client" principle gets more and more injured by the expansion of online.
It is not in the power of the banks, economic units to know who is
standing exactly behind the transaction (phone, computer). Who has the
disposal of user name and the password belonging to it, can open bank
account online; can order international business enterprises; can
participate in different share trading models; can communicate via
nameless e-mail; can diffuse money through online casinos and betting
offices; can buy houses via Internet; can penetrate money through online
auctions; can open his own off-shore or online bank, i.e. can do
nearly everything. The possibility of opening online bank account and
the banking and electronic payment systems operated through this
terminate more and more the need of personal contact. Making use of the
free and anonymous services offered by e-mail have access via the
Internet to the letters and bank accounts of their own and of others
(e.g. in Internet café or in public library). Thus they can create an
e-mail possibility which will be then used only from public terminals,
that means it's nearly impossible to follow that kind of communication
access and utilization. To cover their transactions, they use online
channels, deemed to be legal, suitable for money transfer, as e.g.
E-Gold or Gold & Silver Reserve, whilst they use names which refer
to their position in the hierarchy and their age (e.g. decoders, young
people, flock). Let's imagine that one of these groups obtains our
personal data or can create false identity. Then he can open with it
as much accounts as he wants, has access to them anytime and from
anywhere in the world, i.e. can easily launder money through them. The
spreading of prepaid card mobile phones also offers opportunity for
anonymity. These can easily be bought without knowing the buyer's
identity. Moreover, certain criminal groups are coding their phones with
such a sophisticated safe digital method, that it's nearly impossible
to trace them. It's possible to play in the virtual casinos and online
football pools sides from any point of the world. Most of them operate
as off-shore company of course, and the organised crime is standing in
the background. The money laundering trick is as follows. In order to
play for "prize", first a credit line is to be registered at the casino.
Exploiting the lack of regulation, the most simple is to send average
amount of cash. Some gambling is played and the rest of credit line is
claimed in form of cheque or transfer. The sex and pornographic pages
as by-product of the sex industry also offer enormous possibilities for
those wanting to launder money. With the use of virtual money used in
Internet games, the gambling regulation can be evaded and the criminals
can launder illegal money. The registered users can participate in
different gambling for the money "issued" by the company. Some
companies accept this virtual money for means of payment too, i.e.
changes into official currency, thus it becomes available everywhere in
the world and can be transferred to everywhere. (E.g. the Internet
community building company - where more than 220 million chatters have
registered by January 2007 - puts popular virtual money, called Q coin,
to the disposal of the users, based on determined Yuan rate, for buying
electronic services). Summary It can be stated that, at the
beginning of the 21st century, not the banks are the number one targets
of the laundries, but in addition to conquest of cyber space their
"activities" spread more and more to the global world of general
business life, where dozens of companies which are deemed to be
unblemished, having seemingly honest business operations can always be
found (purchasable, blackmailable, establishable). Those wanting
launder money, always going one step forward in front of the
authorities, through the most different money laundering techniques,
more and more overlie the still unexploited legal economic opportunities
- causing several billion dollar damages to the world economy - and
resulting from it the difference between legal and illegal economy gets
smaller and smaller and presumably will be terminated with the time.
The battle is continuous, but as it's known, the mine of technical
achievements and of human ingenuity seems to be everlasting, thus who
knows what the future will bring .... Methods and Stages of Money
Laundering There are three stages involved in money laundering;
placement, layering and integration. Placement –This is the movement of
cash from its source. On occasion the source can be easily disguised or
misrepresented. This is followed by placing it into circulation through
financial institutions, casinos, shops, bureau de change and other
businesses, both local and abroad. The process of placement can be
carried out through many processes including: 1. Currency Smuggling –
This is the physical illegal movement of currency and monetary
instruments out of a country. The various methods of transport do not
leave a discernible audit trail FATF 1996-1997 Report on Money
Laundering Typologies. 2. Bank Complicity – This is when a financial
institution, such as banks, is owned or controlled by unscrupulous
individuals suspected of conniving with drug dealers and other organised
crime groups. This makes the process easy for launderers. The
complete liberalisation of the financial sector without adequate checks
also provides leeway for laundering. 3. Currency Exchanges – In a
number of transitional economies the liberalisation of foreign exchange
markets provides room for currency movements and as such laundering
schemes can benefit from such policies. 4. Securities Brokers –
Brokers can facilitate the process of money laundering through
structuring large deposits of cash in a way that disguises the original
source of the funds. 5. Blending of Funds – The best place to hide
cash is with a lot of other cash. Therefore, financial institutions may
be vehicles for laundering. The alternative is to use the money from
illicit activities to set up front companies. This enables the funds
from illicit activities to be obscured in legal transactions. 6.
Asset Purchase – The purchase of assets with cash is a classic money
laundering method. The major purpose is to change the form of the
proceeds from conspicuous bulk cash to some equally valuable but less
conspicuous form. Layering – The purpose of this stage is to make it
more difficult to detect and uncover a laundering activity. It is meant
to make the trailing of illegal proceeds difficult for the law
enforcement agencies. The known methods are: 1. Cash converted into
Monetary Instruments – Once the placement is successful within the
financial system by way of a bank or financial institution, the proceeds
can then be converted into monetary instruments. This involves the
use of banker’s drafts and money orders. 2. Material assets bought
with cash then sold – Assets that are bought through illicit funds can
be resold locally or abroad and in such a case the assets become more
difficult to trace and thus seize. Integration – This is the
movement of previously laundered money into the economy mainly through
the banking system and thus such monies appear to be normal business
earnings. This is dissimilar to layering, for in the integration
process detection and identification of laundered funds is provided
through informants. The known methods used are: 1. Property Dealing –
The sale of property to integrate laundered money back into the economy
is a common practice amongst criminals. For instance, many criminal
groups use shell companies to buy property; hence proceeds from the
sale would be considered legitimate. 2. Front Companies and False
Loans – Front companies that are incorporated in countries with
corporate secrecy laws, in which criminals lend themselves their own
laundered proceeds in an apparently legitimate transaction. 3.
Foreign Bank Complicity – Money laundering using known foreign banks
represents a higher order of sophistication and presents a very
difficult target for law enforcement. The willing assistance of the
foreign banks is frequently protected against law enforcement
scrutiny. This is not only through criminals, but also by banking laws
and regulations of other sovereign countries. 4. False Import/Export
Invoices – The use of false invoices by import/export companies has
proven to be a very effective way of integrating illicit proceeds back
into the economy. This involves the overvaluation of entry documents to
justify the funds later deposited in domestic banks and/or the value
of funds received from exports.See
By: Hawdeka
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