Social Icons

Monday, June 23, 2014

Lock Screen (Live Wallpaper) Version : 1.9 Apk (All Android)

Posted by α€›α€”္α€€ုα€”္α€žား 
Lock Screen α€”ဲα‚” Live Wallpaper α€œα€”္းα€œα€”္းေα€œးα€žံုးခ်င္α€žူေတြထတြα€€္တင္ေပးα€œိုα€€္ပါα€α€š္။
unlock sound α€žံေα€œးပါပါတဲ့ထတြα€€္ပိုျပီးα€œွပါα€α€š္။settings ထဲα€™ွာα€™ိα€™ိၾကိဳα€€္α€žα€œို၀င္ျပီးေျပာင္း
ႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။notifications α€™ွာα€œα€Š္း unread messages ,unread mail,missed call α€…α€žα€Š္တိုα‚”α€€ို
ေα€–ာ္ျပေပးပါα€α€š္။Live Wallpaper α€™်ားα€…ြာထဲα€€α€™ိα€™ိၾကိဳα€€္α€›ာα€€ိုေα€›ြးခ်α€š္ႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။Android : 2.2 ႏွင့္

A beautiful Lock Screen with live wallpaper theme for Android devices.
The best feature and what makes this app different from others is the ‘Screen Lock Style’,
you can switch three different live wallpaper themes from settings,including Galaxy raindrop live wallpaper,
Snow live wallpaper and Galaxy star live wallpaper theme.
1. Simulate the galaxy raindrop falling animation,snowing effect and flashing stars in the sky.
2. Support unlock sound settings,you have ten nice ringtones to choose.
3. Support set pin password for lock security by using keypad lock.
4. Support customize unlock text,device name and operator name.
5. Support customize wallpaper.
6. Support slide to unlock including both ‘slide up to unlock’,’slide down to unlock’,’slide left to unlock’
and ‘slide right to unlock’.
7. Support display notifications such as unread messages ,unread mail,missed call and so on in lock screen.
8. Support display widget in lock screen(Recommend music widget).
How to use? this app’s settings,then this Lock Screen will start to work.
2.You can preview the lock screen by clicking the ‘preview’ option when you change any settings.
3.You can switch live wallpaper theme by clicking the ‘Screen Lock Style’ and select the corresponding live wallpaper option.
(note: three live wallpaper themes including ‘Galaxy raindrop live wallpaper’,’Snow live wallpaper’ and ‘Galaxy stars live wallpaper’ theme)
4.You can change the unlock ways by clicking the ‘Slide to unlock style’ option and select the corresponding option.
Q: What should I do if I encounter double lock screen?
A:You can click ‘Disable System Screen Lock’ option to close system screen lock or set to none.
Q:When I turn on the notifications,it talks back to me while operating my phone.
A:Please turn off ‘Talkback’ in Accessibility of System setting.
Q:This lock screen sometimes not work?
A:It means this lock screen had been killed,This happens when the system is in low memory while you are playing games or you start too many applications. In order to avoid this you can toggle on the ‘Advanced Settings’ to tell the system not to kill it when on low memory.
Q:Some apps can’t display notification in screen lock?
A:Only some commonly used apps are enabled to display notification in screen lock,such as unread messages ,unread mail,missed call etc,other apps may not enable to display notifications in screen lock by default,you can
click the ‘Notification center’ option to enable what app you want to display notification in lock screen.
Q:Don’t like live wallpaper theme,just want a easy lock screen,How to disable live wallpaper?
A:You can click ‘Screen Lock Style’ option and select the ‘None’ option.
This ‘Lock Screen(live wallpaper)’ has been tested on latest devices such as Samsung Galaxy S3/S4,Nexus 5/7,HTC one and Sony Xperia Z.
Please contact us if your device is not supported.
Size : 2.1M
Current Version : 1.9
Requires Android : 2.2 and up


Thank You For Downloading

Aurora 3D Animation Maker 14.06.19 + Keygen

Posted by α€›α€”္α€€ုα€”္α€žား 
α€’ီေα€€ာင္ေα€œးα€€ေတာ့ title,banner designer or 3D animation software ေဆာ့α€…္၀ဲတစ္ခုပါ။ animation α€’ီဇိုင္းေတြα€”ဲα‚” α€…ာα€žားေတြα€‘α€œွပဆံုးα€–α€”္တီးႏိုင္α€žα€œို video ေတြα€™ွာ Logo ေတြα€‘α€Š့္ α€žြင္းတဲ့α€’ီဇိုင္းဆန္းဆန္းေα€œးေတြα€œα€Š္းα€–α€”္တီးႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။text, shapes, buttons, logos α€…α€žα€Š္တိုα‚”
α€€ိုၾကိဳα€€္α€›ာေα€αšα€šူα€‘α€žံုးျပဳႏိုင္α€žα€Š့္ထျပင္ animation effects ထျα€–α€…္ fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, space α€…α€žα€Š္တိုα‚”α€œα€Š္းα€‘α€žံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါα€α€š္။Full ျα€–α€…္ေα€…α€–ို႔ထတြα€€္ Keygen α€€ိုα€‘α€Š့္α€žြင္းေပးထားပါα€α€š္
ထင္α€…ေတာα€™α€œုပ္ခင္ α€™ိα€™ိα€™ွာα€›ွိေနတဲ့ Antivirus α€€ိုခဏပိတ္ထားပါ။Keygen ထင္α€…ေတာα€œုပ္α€”α€Š္းα€€ိုα€–ိုင္ထဲ

When we do title,banner designer or video editing, it will think the text needs a cool animation to highlight the description of our content. Or do we need to show a logo in the video, then, a simple-to-use 3D animation software is your best assistant. KeyFrame Animation, Software key frame animation mode. Simple and flexible. Does not require complex design, anyone person can make a good 3D animation.

1. Key Frame Animation
Way of key frame animation software, simple and flexible. Does not require complex animation, everyone can create a cool title animation. Use one timeline to produce all the animation.
A key frame contains all the objects in the scene animation attributes. Key frame is automatically set, just need to find the location of the timeline, and then all the objects can be freely adjusted to the desired state, key frame automatically generated, easy to create animation.
Flexible to use, simply by adjusting the length of the animation, adjust the animation speed.

2. Animation Special Effects
Contains all the features of Text & Logo Maker, and all text, shapes, buttons, logos can be animated. Freedom and flexibility.
Software provides a variety of animation effects, greatly enriched the beauty of animation degree.
Variety of particle effects: include: fireworks, smoke, snow, flame, space and so on.
Movement of various animation effects include: Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quint and so on.

3. The Animation Export and Share
We can output video formats, including animation (avi, flv, mpg), Flash (swf), Gif animation, or image sequences (png, tga, bmp).
In this way, we either used in video editing, web production can greatly enhance our efficiency, improve our results.
Fully compatible with other design software, allowing you to perfectly integrate into your Among the work to bring you the production of efficient and beautiful experience.


(1): Please use 7Zip/WinRAR/Universal Extractor to EXTRACT FILES
(2): run the setup
(3): Use the given keygen to activate
(4): Enjoy and Support Developers, Buy It, They Deserved It!

Thank You For Downloading

ထစိုးα€› α€…α€…္တပ္ႏွင့္ TNLA တိုα€€္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ ေα€’α€žα€ံ ၂၀၀၀ α€”ီးပါး တိα€™္းေα€›ွာင္α€›

TNLA, ထစိုးα€› α€…α€…္တပ္, တိုα€€္ပြဲα€™်ား, ၿငိα€™္းခ်α€™္းေα€›း, KIA
၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွα€…္ ဇူα€œိုင္α€œ ထတြင္းα€€ ေတြα‚”α€›ေα€žာ TNLA ေα€›ွ႕တန္းစခန္း ျမင္α€€ြင္း (ဓာတ္ပံု – TNLA Army Facebook)
ထစုိးα€› α€…α€…္တပ္ႏွင့္ ပေα€œာင္ ထမ်ဳိးα€žား α€œြတ္ေျα€™ာα€€္ေα€›း တပ္α€™ေတာ္ (TNLA) တိုα‚”α€žα€Š္ ဇြα€”္α€œ ၂၁ α€›α€€္α€™ွ α€šေန႔ထထိ α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္ α€”α€š္ ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္း α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ α€™ာα€”္ေထာင္α€›ြာ ထနီး၌ တိုα€€္ပြဲ ျα€–α€…္ပြားα€žျဖင့္ ေα€’α€žα€ံ ၂၀၀၀ α€”ီးပါး ထြα€€္ေျပး တိα€™္းေα€›ွာင္ေα€”α€› α€žα€Š္α€Ÿု α€žိα€›α€žα€Š္။
တိုα€€္ပြဲေၾကာင့္ ထြα€€္ေျပးေα€”α€›α€žα€Š့္ ေα€€်းα€›ြာα€™်ားα€™ွ ေα€’α€žα€ံ ျα€•α€Š္α€žူα€™်ားα€žα€Š္ ထဆိုပါ ထရပ္၌ α€’ုα€€α‘α€žα€Š္ စခန္းα€™်ား α€™α€›ွိα€žျဖင့္ α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚•ေα€•αšα€›ွိ α€”ီးစပ္α€›ာ ေဆြα€™်ိဳးα€™်ားထံ ခိုα€œႈံေα€”α€›α€žα€Š္α€Ÿုα€œα€Š္း ေα€’α€žα€ံα€™်ားα€€ ေျပာα€žα€Š္။
တိုα€€္ပြဲα€žα€Š္ ဇြα€”္၂၁ α€›α€€္ α€”ံα€”α€€္ ၄ α€”ာα€›ီခြဲα€™ွ စတင္ ျα€–α€…္ပြားျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ၿပီး ႏွα€…္α€–α€€္တပ္ α€™ွ α€…α€…္α€žားα€™်ား ေα€žα€†ံုးα€™ႈ α€›ွိေၾကာင္း၊ ထစိုးα€› တပ္ႏွင့္ TNLA တပ္တိုα‚”α€žα€Š္ ထနီးကပ္ တပ္စခန္းα€™်ား α€α€Š္α€›ွိေα€”α€žျဖင့္ ထခ်ိα€”္α€™ေα€›ြး တုိα€€္ပြဲα€™်ား ျပန္ျα€–α€…္ႏိုင္ေၾကာင္း TNLA ျပန္ၾကားေα€›း α€’ု တာဝန္ခံ တာပန္α€œ α€€ ဧရာဝတီα€€ို ေျပာα€žα€Š္။
“α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚”α€˜α€€္α€€ တပ္α€žား ႏွα€…္α€₯ီးα€”ဲα‚” ထစုိးα€›α€˜α€€္α€€ ငါးα€₯ီးα€€ေα€” α€†α€š့္ႏွα€…္α€₯ီးၾကား α€€်ဆံုးα€α€š္။ တိုα€€္ပြဲα€€ ထခ်ိα€”္α€™ေα€›ြး ျပန္ျα€–α€…္ႏုိ္င္ α€α€š္။ ႏိုင္ငံေα€›း ေဆြးေႏြးα€–ုိα‚” ထတြα€€္ α€–ိထားα€”ဲα‚” ေျခမႈα€”္းေနတာα€œားေတာ့ α€™α€žိပါα€˜ူး”α€Ÿု ၎α€€ ဆုိα€žα€Š္။
TNLA ထိα€”္းခ်ဳပ္α€›ာα€”α€š္ေျα€™ ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š့္ α€€ြတ္္ခိုင္ ၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ α€™α€”္တံု ၊ α€”α€™့္ခမ္းၿမိဳα‚•၊ α€”α€™့္ဆန္ၿမိဳα‚• ႏွင့္ α€žီေပါၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္α€™်ားတြင္ ထစိုးα€› တပ္α€™α€™်ားα€…ြာ α€œာေα€›ာα€€္ ထေျခခ်ေα€”α€žα€Š္α€Ÿုα€œα€Š္း တာပန္α€œα€€ ေျပာဆိုα€žα€Š္။
TNLA ထေထြေထြ ထတြင္းေα€›းα€™ႉး α€’ုα€—ိုα€œ္α€™ႉးα‚€α€€ီး တာα€˜ုα€”္းေα€€်ာ္α€€ “ထစုိးရတပ္α€€ α€€်ေα€”ာ္တုိα‚”α€€ို ထျပတ္ ေခ်α€™ႈα€”္းα€–ိုα‚” α€œုပ္ေနတာ။ တိုα€€္ပြဲα€€ေတာ့ ထပ္α€›ွိα€₯ီးα€™ွာပါ။ ထခုα€›α€€္ပိုင္း တိုα€€္ပြဲေတြα€€ ျပင္းထန္းေတာ့ α€›ြာထဲα€€ို α€œα€€္α€”α€€္ေတြ α€€်α€α€š္။ α€›ြာα€žားေတြα€€ို ေတာ့ မထိα€˜ူး။ α€›ြာα€žားေတြα€œα€Š္း α€›ြာα€™ွာ α€™ေα€”α€›ဲေတာ့ α€œံုၿခံဳတဲ့ ေα€”α€›ာα€€ို ခိုα€œႈံα€›α€α€š္”α€Ÿု ဧရာဝတီα€€ို ေျပာျα€•α€žα€Š္။
ထစိုးα€› α€…α€…္တပ္α€€ တိုင္းရင္းα€žား α€œα€€္α€”α€€္α€€ုိင္α€™်ားα€€ို ထျပင္းထထန္ တိုα€€္ခိုα€€္ ေα€”α€™α€Š္ဆိုပါα€€ ျα€•α€Š္တြင္းα€…α€…္ ရပ္ဆိုင္းα€›α€”္ α€‘α€œြα€”္ ေဝးα€€ြာα€™α€Š္ ျα€–α€…္α€žα€Š္α€Ÿုα€œα€Š္း ၎α€€ ဆိုα€žα€Š္။
α€šα€„္းေα€’α€žα€ြင္ TNLA  α€₯ီးေဆာင္ၿပီး α€™ူးα€šα€…္ေဆး၀ါး တုိα€€္α€–်α€€္ေα€›းα€€ို ထင္တိုα€€္ထားတိုα€€္ α€œုပ္ေဆာင္ေα€”α€žα€Š့္ ထတြα€€္ α€˜ိα€”္း α€…ိုα€€္ပ်ိဳး α€žα€Š့္ ပန္းေဆး ျα€•α€Š္α€žူα‚”α€…α€…္α€™်ား၏ ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္α€™ႈα€€ို မၾကာခဏ ခံေနရၿပီး တုိα€€္ပြဲα€™်ား ျα€–α€…္ေα€”α€›ျခင္း ျα€–α€…္ေၾကာင္း TNLA α€…α€…္α€₯ီးα€…ီးα€™ႉးα€€ ဧရာဝတီα€€ို ေျပာα€žα€Š္။
TNLA ႏွင့္ ထစိုးα€›α€žα€Š္ ၂၀၁၃ ခုα€”α€…္ ဇူα€œိုင္α€œ ၃၁ α€›α€€္α€€ α€™ူα€†α€š္ၿမိဳ႕တြင္ ၿငိα€™္းခ်α€™္းေα€›း ေဆြးေႏြးပြဲ ျပဳα€œုပ္ခဲ့ၿပီး ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္း ထပ္α€™ံ ေတြ႔ဆံုα€™ႈ α€™α€›ွိေၾကာင္း α€žိα€›α€žα€Š္။
TNLA ႏွင့္ KIA တိုα‚” ထေျခခ် ေနထိုင္α€žα€Š့္ α€›ွα€™္းျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ ေျα€™ာα€€္ပိုင္း၌ ထေα€›ွα‚•ေျα€™ာα€€္တိုင္း α€…α€…္α€Œာနခ်ဳပ္(ရမခ) α€œα€€္ေထာα€€္ခံ တပ္ရင္း ၈ ရင္း ၊ α€…α€…္ဆင္ေα€›း α€€ြပ္α€€ဲα€™ႈ α€Œာနခ်ဳပ္(စကခ) ၁၊ စကခ ၁၆၊ တပ္α€™ ၇၇၊ တပ္α€™ ၈၈ ႏွင့္ တပ္α€™ ၅၅ ထပါထ၀င္ α€…ုα€…ုေပါင္း တပ္ရင္း ၄၇ ခုα€€ α€”α€š္ေျα€™α€…ိုးα€™ိုးေα€›း ေဆာင္α€›ြα€€္ေα€”ေၾကာင္း TNLA ျပန္ၾကားေα€›း α€Œာα€”၏ ထုတ္ျပန္ခ်α€€္တြင္ ေα€–ာ္ျပထားα€žα€Š္။
α€šေန႔တြင္α€œα€Š္း ေα€€်ာα€€္α€™ဲၿမိဳα‚•α€”α€š္၊ ပန္ကပ်ံ ေα€€်းα€›ြာ ထနီးတြင္ ပေα€œာင္(တထာင္း) တပ္α€™ေတာ္ α€—်ဴα€Ÿာ (၂) α€€ြပ္α€€ဲα€™ႈေထာα€€္α€›ွိ တပ္ရင္း (၇၁၇)ႏွင့္ ထစိုးα€› တပ္α€™ (၈၈)တိုα‚” ႏွα€…္α€˜α€€္ ရင္ဆိုင္တိုα€€္ပြဲ ျα€–α€…္ပြားခဲ့α€žα€Š္α€Ÿု TNLA ျပန္ၾကားေα€›းα€™ွ α€’ု တာဝန္ခံ တာပန္α€œ α€€ ဧရာဝတီα€žိုα‚” ေျပာα€žα€Š္။
ထင္ထား ၃၀၀ ခန္α‚” α€›ွိေα€žာ ထစိုးα€›α€…α€…္တပ္ တပ္α€™ (၈၈) α€žα€Š္ α€šα€„္းေα€’α€žα€ြင္ α€œႈပ္α€›ွားေα€”ေα€žာ ပေα€œာင္(တထာင္း) တပ္α€™ေတာ္ ထား α€œိုα€€္α€œံ တိုα€€္ခိုα€€္α€›ာα€™ွ ႏွα€…္α€–α€€္ ရင္ဆိုင္တိုα€€္ပြဲ ျα€–α€…္ပြားခဲ့α€žα€Š္α€Ÿု α€žိα€›α€žα€Š္။
Credit : irrawaddy

ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ိုα€›ီးα€šား ေခါင္းေဆာင္α€€ αΎα€žα€…ီႏိုင္ငံျခားေα€›း ၀န္α‚€α€€ီးα€€ို ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္

 June 23, 2014
ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ို α€›ီးα€šားႏိုင္ငံ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ ကင္α€™္ဂြ်α€”္ထန္ α€€ို ေဝဖန္တဲ့ထတြα€€္ αΎα€žα€…ေၾတးα€œ် ႏိုင္ငံျခားေα€›းဝန္α‚€α€€ီး ဂ်ဴα€œီα€˜ိေα€›ွာ့ပ္α€€ို ျပစ္ဒဏ္ေပးα€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ို α€›ီးα€šားα€€ ၿခိα€™္းေျခာα€€္α€œိုα€€္ပါα€α€š္။
ထဲα€’ီေဝဖန္α€™ႈ ထေα€•αš ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ို α€›ီးα€šားα€€ ထမ်α€€္ေα€’ါα€ž ထြα€€္ေနတာျα€–α€…္ၿပီး αΎα€žα€…ေၾတးα€œ် ႏိုင္ငံျခားေα€›း ဝန္α‚€α€€ီးα€Ÿာ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္α€›ဲ့ ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ို α€›ီးα€šား ထေα€•αšα€‘ားတဲ့ ေα€•αšα€œα€…ီα€€ို ထေα€€ာင္ α€‘α€‘α€Š္ေα€–ာ္ ေပးတဲ့ ထေα€™α€›ိα€€α€”္α€›ဲ့ α€œα€€္α€€ိုင္ တုတ္ျα€–α€…္ α€α€š္α€œိုα‚”α€œα€Š္း တုα€”္α‚”ျပန္ α€œိုα€€္ပါα€α€š္။
α€žူတို α‚”ေခါင္းေဆာင္α€›ဲ့ ဂုဏ္α€žိကၑာ α€Šိဳးႏြα€™္းေထာင္ α€œုပ္တဲ့ ထတြα€€္ ထျပစ္ေပး α€žြားα€™α€š္α€œိုα‚” ေျα€™ာα€€္α€€ိုးα€›ီးα€šား α€žα€α€„္းα€™ွာ ေα€–ာ္ျပထားေα€•α€™α€š့္ α€˜α€š္α€œို ထျပစ္ေပးα€žြားα€™α€œဲ ဆိုတာα€€ိုေတာ့ ေျပာα€žြားတာ α€™α€›ွိပါα€˜ူး။
Credit : ABC

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